The Lancaster County Climate Summit is a community-focused event for concerned citizens and businesses to work together to advance climate awareness and find ways to take action in Lancaster County.
Poster Design
Creative Direction
Regenall’s Climate Summit helps to organize the local Lancaster County around climate action for Earth Day, by providing a variety of speakers and organizations at an organized event downtown. While they collected their speakers, Regenall knew they needed a design to attract the right attendee’s and draw attention to the event. We began meeting with their commitee and working out the details of what delierables would be needed. Then, Zach Johnson-Medland began sketching ideas for the project and bringing together the commitees’ ideas into a concrete design. After several follow up meetings, they settled on a design that would highlight each of the event topics and locations with visual icons or imagery. This would also allow for the icons to be cropped and used on their website as well, and the typography to be used across all their media.